Shoulder to Shoulder Conference


Thank you to all those who joined (online or in-person) the 2024 Shoulder to Shoulder Conference! It was a great time of learning and connection.


Links to Surveys


2024 STS Speakers

A multi-disciplinary conference providing professional training and building stronger partnerships on behalf of children in the child welfare system.

We invite resource/foster and adoptive parents, kinship caregivers, birth parents, advocates, caseworkers, social workers, lawyers, judicial officers, CASAs, Citizen Review Booard (CRB), mental health professionals, medical professionals, educators, child care worker and anyone else who is supporting children and families connected with Child Welfare to attend the conference.

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Thank you for visiting the Shoulder to Shoulder conference website!




Conference funding was made possible by federal grant funds from the Oregon Department of Human Services and the Oregon Resource Family Alliance (formerly Oregon Foster Parent Association). Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the grantors.